Monday, July 12, 2010

Here Where I Belong

Okay okay, uber cheezy blog title that sounds like some 80's ballad but it's really what I feel right now. Today I arrived at Rising Star... Finally. I guess the bus ride took longer than expected but I didn't even know how long it was supposed to take so I didn't notice. After 3 hours we arrived at campus. I guess it was only supposed to take 2 but it wasn't that bad. We chillaxed for a couple hours after we arrived. Then we went on a tour of the campus and met the kids. They are so adorable. They all loved having their picture taken. "Auntie, Auntie, picture, picture." They were excellent posers especially loved actions shots.

After dinner, which was pretty much amazing, we were divided into families. The purpose of the family is to help the little kids with homework and make them feel loved. Since they are at school on this campus, they aren't home to see their families. The school is a really good school for the area. Everybody wants to be there but unfortunately it can only be so many. Right now that number is 180 but Rising Star hopes to keep growing it to about 500 students. In my family there was this little boy Krishna who was fascinated with my camera so I let him take some pics. They were actually pretty good. He said he'd had taken a photo class. I was impressed. I'm a little homesick right now but I know when the 3 weeks are over I'm really going to miss it here. Especially the kids.


  1. Wow that looks so amazing! I hope the jet lag isn't killing you too bad. I love hearing about your adventures so I'm glad you can blog. I'm so happy your loving it!

  2. The jet lag really wasn't that bad. We got in Sunday morning at around 10 after a 10 hour layover in New Delhi. We pretty much stayed up that night til around 9 and I would say I hardly suffered any jet lag! I'm glad I can blog too so I can share my amazing experiences with so many people. :)
