Sunday, July 18, 2010

Church & Such

Today we went to church in Chennai. It was pretty cool. My group (I traveled in the bus) was late since we had to meet up with the tailor. We saw him in Mahabalapuram and he promised our clothes would be done that night. But they weren't so we met up with him in Chennai. I got ali babba pants!!! I need to get a picture of them. I played piano in primary here. That was so much fun. In Utah, I love joining the primary and play whenever I get the chance so to play here in India was amazing. Oh and it rained tonight and like all the volunteers went out and danced in it. It was uber awesome and fun! The little kids freaked out when the power went out but it was fun enjoying the Indian rain.

Group outside of the church!

Ha ha. This is how I found him during the power outage.

Courtney, me, and Ari Krishna

Me and Morgan

Today was the only Sunday we have in Chennai! Next week we're in Delhi and then we leave. Well I guess I have a week of touring afterwards but still. This week we're going to a leprosy colony in Andhra Pradesh that has only seen a doctor once. We'll be gone 2 days. So this week we only play with the kids twice. Tomorrow and Thursday since we're gone Tuesday, Wednesday, and we leave for Delhi on Friday. Oh and I almost forgot today we had spaghetti! American food, no rice. And the green beans were amazing.


  1. I want to see a picture of you in your ali babba pants! I bet there way cool. :)

  2. Yeah they are!!! Like I said before you're going to love your surprises... dang I gave it away. :)

  3. I just reread this blog where you mentioned playing in the Primary there. That is very cool. How many children were in the Primary?

  4. Thanks for sharing your adventures. 'Looking forward to more! Aunt Ruth
